Thursday, February 17, 2011

What makes your biological clock tick?

Sometimes when you see grandparents and their grandchildren on the train, does it make you feel that you'd want kids?perhaps it depends what you are feeling then or the situation you are in.

would age have a strong play in this? What do single middle aged women feel about being unmarried? Though many would say thaat they won't need to have kids to be happy, is that usually true? I mean, is there one moment in their lives, yes, one moment, where they feel the urge to bear children?is there a sign that your body somehow knows it's at its prime to mate? To carry on the bloodline?

What happens when you hear wailing kids?does it wash away all thoughts about even having kids?mothers always say there's a different joy children bring. It's also a different phase in life this thing called motherhood. How old is too old to have kids? Is it easier rearing animals than kids?

I do not know what makes my biological clock tick. What I do know is with kids come a life long commitment. I can't imagine the sacrifices. Bt i'm willing to time..