Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Trouble Bubble Burst

I am non confrontational. And though misunderstandings arose while holidaying in Perth, I prefer to leave it in Perth. I do not want to pursue them. I left them at bay. Or so I thought.

Yet these misunderstandings found a way of following me back home. And as if it was not enough, snug within them were a bag of lies. Lies and more.

So what if it's family? Lies are lies and accusations are accusations. It sours relationships and burns bridges. I wish we weren't there to be part of it. My long awaited holiday did not need such trauma and pain.

I too don't need harsh words. I don't need more lies. I don't need name calling. I find it all childish and mindless and a total waste of time. MY TIME. I don't see a need to pursue further because it is endless. It is CRAP. So go get a life and get the hell out of mine. I don't need anymore trouble.