Friday, December 17, 2010

Down Under and Back

It was a fantastic trip with Baby Chee down under. Aunty Grace and Uncle Chow were great hosts sharing with us many stories and preparing dinner almost every night. Grocery shopping is of course one of the highlights of this 9-day trip other than the most important reason we were there for - Delise's wedding.

We had a few days of "holidaying" before the actual wedding preparation. We visited Harbourtown and shopped abit. Girls' stuff are always on better sale than guys. I got myself a corset, a pair of jeans, round tee neck shirts, high waist belt and also a new bikini, all at relatively cheap prices like less than AUS$20. Just one day of shopping and the rest, grocery browsing where we bought heaps of kangaroo meat + frozen wild berries. Unbelievably cheap! Singapore should really import them. Good for health, high in fibre, low in cholesterol and low in fat.

Building up to the wedding was no doubt stressful but all worthwhile. I am definitely honoured to be the maid of honour. Being there on my cousin's wedding day was a touching affair. I am glad to have been part of it.

See you again Perth. And I love you Hippo Creek!