Monday, January 31, 2011

Gym progress

All my entries have been so depressing and I bet you have to agree.

My improvement in my weight training has been very motivating. So let's see how I have progressed so far for my strength components. I mean at least it is more lighthearted compared to older entries.

On 30 January 2011,


5 sets of 3 reps

15kg + 15kg + 20kg (OBW)

OBW: Olympic Bar weight


3 sets of 3 reps

10kg + 10kg + 20kg (OBW)

You can see the major improvement comparing to my previous post a week or 2 ago. All thanks to the arduous training I went through with Baby Chee as my fervent coach. Boy was he impressed with my improvement.

The attempted 10kg for squats was slightly too ambitious but at least I know where I stand.

I will be working out for the last time tomorrow, 1 February, before CNY. My regime will be as follows:


5 sets of 4 reps

12.5kg + 12.5kg + 21kg (OBW)

Note: OBW has a different weight from the above because i am working out at a different gym


5 sets of 4 reps

8.25kg + 8.25kg + 21kg (OBW)


5 sets of 5 reps for all 3 exercises:

1) Underhand Rows (using OBW)
2.5kg + 2.5kg + OBW

30 seconds rest

2) Bulgarian Front Split Squats
with 5kg dumb bell

30 seconds rest

3) Inclined a notch narrow chested bench press
with 5 kg dumb bells

30 seconds rest

Assisted pull up
Do as much as possible at 30kg assisted weights. DO NOT do to failure

Inclined Pull Ups a.k.a Inverted Rows
3 sets of ladders 5,4,3,2,1 with 15 seconds rest in between i.e.

5 reps, 15 seconds rest
4 reps, 15 seconds rest

so on and so forth

Push Ups (safety pin at 3rd hole from bottom of squat rack)
3 sets of ladders 5,4,3,2,1 with 15 seconds rest in between like above

I enjoy my farmer's walk.
3 sets of 14kg dumb bells, 10 burpees


Special note to Baby Chee: Please correct the above regime should you spot any mistake.

After 1 February, get ready to indulge in BA KWA!!!!!!! heh heh heh